+27 83 419 5866 laura@primic.com


Throughout the world, hospitals, universities, and medical facilities use bio-resonance equipment which that is certified and medically approved.


Do you get tired of riding the merry-go-round of expensive medications and scans, discomfort and indignity associated with mammograms, pap smears, or prostrate checks? Is your medication or other remedy not working? Are you tired of taking all those blood, urine, and tissue samples?

Imagine being able to detect the pre cursers to diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or any other disease at the onset, even before conventional diagnostics can detect it.  Imagine if you could do this without invasive, uncomfortable tests, then having to wait in suspense for the lab results.

Now you can have a complete body scan of all the systems and organs of the body including your blood and even down to your DNA in one location: no discomfort, no touching, and no samples taken.

Bio-Resonance Scans Done


Early Detection

Different Town Visits

Once you have put the sophisticated ear phones on that have sensors in them to detect frequency stability in the body, you are ready for the scan to begin. Here it shows the scan going through the cross section of the brain. The numbers on the bottom are important and when we are doing the body scan we would like to see the numbers showing on the at organ from 1 to 3. If we see a pink 4 showing up we know this is an inflammation cursor to be aware of. 5 and 6’s are showing more than inflammation.

In this picture, we are pointing to the graph which comes up on every area of the body that is being scanned. The blue line is the question frequency going into the body and the red line is your actual reading in that area. For optimal results, we would like to see the two lines as close together as possible.

The picture below shows the colon wall which is being scanned.

In this picture we are scanning the whole gut area and it will be here that we will be able to see what is happening and in which area of the gut things are going wrong. For instance we will be able to detect colitis, duodenitis, parasites, levels of good and bad bacteria etc.
The Bio resonance scan also takes every section of the gut from the small intestines to the sigmoid colon and rectum and scans them separately to see exactly what is happening in each area.
The duodenum’s “C” shape surrounds the pancreas, where it receives pancreatic enzymes for digestion. The duodenum also connects to the liver receiving bile for digestion. This is why one can never only look at one organ and magically come up with a conclusion as every area in the body affects another area, we are a complex structure of interconnected systems.
In this picture we see a sectional view of the throat.
The scan will then go on to do the sinuses, ears, tonsils, adenoids, esophagus to pick up any irregularities in the area. So if you have symptoms of hay-fever, sinus and tonsillitis as well as ear problems, the scan will be able to detect what is causing the problems, be it foods, toxins, parasites, acidity in the body causing inflammation or bacterial infection.
Once you have put the sophisticated ear phones on that have sensors in them to detect frequency stability in the body, you are ready for the scan to begin. Here it shows the scan going through the cross section of the brain. The numbers on the bottom are important and when we are doing the body scan we would like to see the numbers showing on the at organ from 1 to 3. If we see a pink 4 showing up we know this is an inflammation cursor to be aware of. 5 and 6’s are showing more than inflammation.

In this picture, we are pointing to the graph which comes up on every area of the body that is being scanned. The blue line is the question frequency going into the body and the red line is your actual reading in that area. For optimal results, we would like to see the two lines as close together as possible.

The picture above shows the colon wall which is being scanned.

In this picture we are scanning the whole gut area and it will be here that we will be able to see what is happening and in which area of the gut things are going wrong. For instance we will be able to detect colitis, duodenitis, parasites, levels of good and bad bacteria etc.
The Bio resonance scan also takes every section of the gut from the small intestines to the sigmoid colon and rectum and scans them separately to see exactly what is happening in each area.
The duodenum’s “C” shape surrounds the pancreas, where it receives pancreatic enzymes for digestion. The duodenum also connects to the liver receiving bile for digestion. This is why one can never only look at one organ and magically come up with a conclusion as every area in the body affects another area, we are a complex structure of interconnected systems.
In this picture we see a sectional view of the throat.
The scan will then go on to do the sinuses, ears, tonsils, adenoids, esophagus to pick up any irregularities in the area. So if you have symptoms of hay-fever, sinus and tonsillitis as well as ear problems, the scan will be able to detect what is causing the problems, be it foods, toxins, parasites, acidity in the body causing inflammation or bacterial infection.

How does the        bio-resonance scan work?

The bio-resonance system uses sophisticated computer programs and scientifically developed headphones to gather data about all organs, body systems, cells, and more from the brain. Using this data, the Therapist can present diagnosis and recommendations on the screen as 3-dimensional models of organs, etc.

An exciting feature of the software is 3-Dimensional Scanning, which detects changes in body tissue resonance (vibrations or frequencies) and pinpoints tumours or diseases. A condition can therefore be traced and treated down to the chromosomes, genes, and DNA helix, and even down to the DNA helix.

What to expect during a consultation?

During a consultation you will put on ear phones which have sensors built into them and they are what sends signals into the body and receives signals of where there are varying from optimal frequencies in the body. The scan takes about an hour 15 minutes.

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Its been a struggle from get-go with my health when I discovered 3 years ago that I have psoriasis.

I did some research of my own and I went to many doctors, but nobody could help me with a solution, except for putting creams on my skin and telling me to lose weight and not to stress.

So it has been a very difficult journey with knowing something is wrong in my body; besides just looking at my skin, my joints were sore everywhere and I was just in pain.

 Until I met Laura! And it was just like a breath of fresh air, because she just helped me, she knew exactly what it was from all  the research that I have been finding off all the sites. She knew that it was a leaky gut; she did one test on me, she knew how to treat it. And I feel so much better; not only with that, she has diagnosed other things in my body and given me the right medicine. Not just any medicine, its health products, natural products that has helped me so much.

I am ever ever grateful to Laura for putting me on the right path and setting me up.

I feel so much better, I feel like I am more in control of my body and recently I have actually started to lose weight. My joints are no longer sore and I am just truly grateful to have found Laura. For her guidance in my life and for walking this road with me……

Thank you so much for what you have done in my life, Laura!


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