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Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyser

Your body data can be collected from several different systems and organs in minutes.

How does the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyser work?

Using the quantum resonance magnetic analyser (Quantum 660 Scanner), your body’s magnetic frequency and energy can be collected in minutes by holding the sensor. Your body data can be collected from several different systems and organs in minutes. It takes you about a minute to compare your readings to the standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases. Based on Fourier’s principles, strict health statistics, and comparisons with many clinical cases, the analysis system’s database has been built with scientific methods.


The Quantum Analyser Machine Test

The Quantum Analyser Machine is an exciting new device that can help diagnose and test for diseases in a matter of minutes, breaking barriers to traditional diagnosis- no false positives or negatives!

The product is developed in collaboration with the Chinese company that manufactures the original of this type of product. The software part is developed in Canada.
The device is CE-compliant and the software is in English and runs on Windows (all versions). The device allows the analysis of different chemical and organic elements of the body: organs, blood system, metabolism, chemistry, substances (minerals, vitamins, metals …), bone and other systems components, and prediction of pathologies … (See below). A report with advice finalizes the analysis.

Features Benefit of Using Quantum Machine

  • Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyser (QMRA) is a high-tech innovation that combines the best of medicine – Electrical Engineering and bio=informatics and other sciences.

  • It collects the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis and then determines the health of a person.

  • Health Check Up Has No Side Effects and it is affordable.

  • It’s also suitable for professional use and family use.  In fact, every household should have one

  • It analyses 52 test reports.

  • Serves as another non-invasive option for major medical instruments like ultrasonic, nuclear resonance and other familiar medical equipment. 
  • Detect health changes before the appearance of symptoms of diseases.
  • Provide Comprehensive Information on Your Health Status.
  • Its accuracy rate is between 85% and 95%, and it takes only a few minutes to produce the results.

Families who want to monitor the health condition of their members

Health practitioners: Family doctors, acupuncturists, nutritional therapists, reflexologies, alternative, naturopathic and holistic practitioners, spa and wellness industry etc.

This instrument is an ideal promotion tool for beauty salon, SPA club, clinics, health examination centres, health food/nutrition supplement/health care products shop, direct selling, massage centres, etc.

Corporations and communities who would like to have a general health assessment of their employees or members without the need to expensive work ups (even before they become grossly ill and in need of hospitalization or expensive medications).

Companies that produce or sell health products.

Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyser Review

Quantum magnetic resonance analysers replace chemical analysis, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and radiography for diagnosis. In a few minutes, you can collect data on your body’s various health systems by just holding a sensor in your hand.

The magnetic resonance analyser provides new advantages in the field of analysis of constituents. Quantum resonance magnetic analysis is a new way to measure things like cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health fast and accurately.
It is especially useful for studying how medicine or health products may help improve a person’s condition without requiring them to undergo invasive procedures.

Analysis principle 

Human bodies are made up of cells that grow, develop, split, regenerate and die until they die. In adults, about 25 million cells divide every second.
In the human body, blood cells are constantly renewing themselves at about 100 million per minute. These electromagnetic signals are the signature of health or illness. Quantum analysers can analyse that.

Elements Analysis

The quantum analysis magnetic resonance method is a fast, accurate and non-invasive diagnosis. The main elements of analysis are: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, bone mineral density, trace elements, heavy metals, rheumatism, lungs and respiratory tract, kidney, blood glucose, the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, cranial nerves, gynaecological, prostate, bone diseases, trace elements (selenium, iron, zinc, calcium, etc.)..

Functional characteristics

Prediction without symptoms. The device can predict the precursor of disease so that the practitioner can suggest necessary lifestyle changes, supplementation or advise to seek out the advice of a medical doctor.

The database has been established with scientific methods that contribute to accuracy at an unprecedented level, making it a valuable resource for those who want more information to make decisions regarding their well-being quickly and efficiently.


This product is not intended for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease.

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